Monday 13 April 2009

The Great Deception - GERS 2005

The Great Deception - GERS 2005

By Niall Aslen

In May 2000 I wrote the original article called ‘The Big Lie.’ It was an exercise to establish the truth of the often repeated claims of the British Government that Scotland was too economically weak to stand on its own two feet. In fact the claim has been made that the English Taxpayers are subsidising the Scots. After months of painstaking research the results were astonishing to say the least. The reverse was actually true, it was Scotland that was substantially subsidising the rest of the UK.

However this Big lie is still repeated by the Scottish Executive and Labour Politicians, both in Holyrood and Westminster in the form of the GERS report and accordingly I have been retained by an Independent policy think tank and the newly formed Scottish Enterprise Party to verify the truth or otherwise of the GERS report. According to the GERS Report, Scotland is an economic basket case which requires £11.2 Billions annually from the UK exchequer to balance the books. My remit is to establish the truth or otherwise for this claim.

The British Government have made vast improvements in the online services available for researchers using the Internet over the past 5 years Most of the data is now online. The one major source of information has been links from this website give additional information. I am using the UK Governments own statistics for comparison with the GERS report and where interpolation has been required the figures err on the conservative side giving the benefit of any doubt to the UK statistics.

In my original article North Sea Oil revenues were difficult to track down as the UK Government regarded these as special resources of the UK (Extra-Regio Territories) and not Scottish, even though the Oilfields are in Scottish waters, are policed by Grampian Police and supported by an Infrastructure, at NE Scottish Ratepayers and Council Tax payers expense without any financial support from Westminster. Following this UK Government convention, the GERS report compilers have done likewise, thus North Sea Revenues are EXCLUDED from the allocation of revenues received from Scotland. The UK government have created a new country named Extra Regio Territories in order to conceal the Oil revenues from the Scottish account. Accordingly I have ignored this new creation and included the North Sea Oil revenues in the comparitor.

2Mac Said" If there was nothing to hide why do they go to extraordinary lengths to confuse the information. The London civil service know exactly what they are doing. It is excellent to see someone use their talent to remove the spin from the facts. 

My view is simple. Scotland should look after Scotland for the Scottish. England should look after England for the English. Each country should take responsibility for their own problems and come up with their own solutions. England can be our close friend along with the Irish and the Welsh. They just do not need to be our Landlord.

The imperialists in London have still not realised the world has changed. Let us concentrate on our own door step. Manage our own resources and set our own targets. Independence for ENGLAND.

Anti Scotsman Newspaper

Hamish McDonnell, Scottish Political Editor, Wrote... (Click Headline to see original while story)

Scottish Secretary Jim Murphy rejected that offer on behalf of the Prime Minister and suggested instead that substantial progress could be made over dinner the night before.

It was in Mr Salmond's interests to make a pitch to be involved in the meeting of UK Cabinet ministers. If he had succeeded, he would have been seen as an equal to Mr Brown's Cabinet, not simply the leader of a devolved administration. 

Mr Brown's rejection of the idea was also not surprising. It would be extraordinary for a Labour Prime Minister to allow SNP ministers to sit in on a UK Cabinet meeting, giving them ****credibility and status as a result****.

2Mac Said" This is appalling reporting. I cannot even tell where the New Labour press release finishes and the Scotsman's pro London Labour quislings start giving their opinion.

What fucking credibility is he talking about. They are the leaders of the Scottish Parliament representing the Scottish people. If Labour had any interest in solving the problems they have created then they would be meeting everyone and anyone that could assist.

Instead we get more Anti SNP bile from Skull Fuckwitt Murphy. This failed ex-teacher Jim Murphy has about as much talent as the last jobby I flushed down the pan. But what he does have in abundance is enough stupidity to follow the party line regardless of how ridiculous he seems. Lets see if he is still smug after the next general election. This useless cunt will be in the job que with another 3.2 million thanks to Labour.

ZaNu Labour Socialism

 “COMMONS Speaker Michael Martin has been criticised over a four-day taxpayer-funded trip to Dubai. Mr Martin and his wife Mary flew business class to the United Arab Emirates as parliament started its Easter recess, according to reports.

 The bill for the trip, including flights and accommodation in a five-star hotel, is estimated at £8,000. Two parliamentary officials were among the entourage – although they flew standard class…..

 ….A recent Freedom of Information request revealed that the taxpayer has spent nearly £150,000 on foreign visits for Mr Martin, often accompanied by his wife, over the past six years...”

2Mac Says" Greedy, Greedy Bastard. He is the MP for one of the poorest parts of Scotland. He has been on more fucking holidays than Paris Hilton, each time he takes his wife(16 out of 17). This is the same wife who has raked up over £4000 in Taxi costs for her on official visits to the fucking shops. They have 3 houses paid for by the Tax payer. Do these fake socialist parasites have no fucking shame at all. Child poverty in his constituency is 44%, its a drug riddled disaster. Yet he is on fucking holiday. What a cunt.

"Over the past six years Mr and Mrs Martin have enjoyed 16 trips to destinations including Hawaii, the Bahamas, New York and Rome." Traquir, Alba"

This just seems to be a list of romantic and highly pleasurable destination being paid by the Tax payer so that a Labour MP can fly around the world enjoying himself in the lap of luxury with his wife. What do we need to be visiting Hawaii for really. 

They are a disgusting shadow of their socialists fore bearers. Pigs with their snouts so deep in the trough they do not see the axe coming at the next election.

Mick must be the ultimate ZaNu Labour hypocrite. He is supposed to represent and protect some of the poorest people from his home town, while he lives like a Film Star, when really he is just a Wankstar."


Well today I have entered the world of blogging. I am not sure how often I will use this site but it has been fun to set it up.

I hope it does not turn out to be shit.